Field Production

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Agro R&D

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We are developing research-driven farming solutions grounded in the principles of both ecology and sustainability that acknowledge that not all ecological production approaches are inherently sustainable.

At the center of our innovative approach is the practice of multi-year crop rotation, a strategy designed to:

enrich the soil

reduce weeds, pests, and diseases

increase overall farm productivity

Currently, we are implementing 3- and 4-year crop rotations, and our goal is to achieve 5- and 6-year crop rotations.

Leveraging green manure in large-scale farming, we are proving that artificial fertilizers and pesticides can become a thing of the past, and that a transition towards livestock-free sustainable production is possible.

Our Agro R&D team develops sustainable projects and concepts through field trials.

Once we successfully validate each project, we implement it on our 3,700 ha organically-certified farm. Our goal is to make sustainable farming accessible to all, and to help drive the transition towards a greener and more resilient food system.

6,000 tons of organically produced crops annually demonstrates that we are on the right track.

In addition, we use the farm to develop and test our farming software. We are the only large-scale farm that has its own software development team, and the only software development team that has its own farm.

Once we’ve proved our farming solutions work, we’ll make them available to everyone for free.

Our goal is to make sustainable farming accessible to all, to help drive the transition towards a greener and more resilient food system.



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