Knowledge Base: Food

gluten free chickpea

Gluten-Free Farming: A Tale of Vision and Innovation

June 28, 2024

LoginEKO's moves into gluten-free farming tapping into rising consumer trends for a healthier market niche.

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New taste for our Meal in a Bottle

The Blueberry Discovery: Crafting the New Flavor for our Meal in a Bottle

May 15, 2024

Developing new Njamito flavors is a carefully planned process. From brainstorming to sensory tests and quality checks, we've crafted a creamy, fruity delight.

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Food choices and climate change

Food and Climate Change: The Power of Food Choices

April 22, 2024

The power lies in our hands—or rather, on our plates. With each meal, we wield the ability to shape a more sustainable future.

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Ultimate traceability in food production at your fingertips.

Oats in Njamito: Ultimate Traceability in Food Production

March 15, 2024

LoginEKO oats are now in Njamito. From cultivation to harvest, processing, and production, we’re proving that ultimate traceability in food production is possible.

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Behind the Scenes: Njamito’s Packaging Adventure

January 15, 2024

Njamito needed a bottle. Between glass, bioplastic and PET, here’s what we picked, and why.

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Data-Driving Healthier Companies: Can Njamito Impact Workplace Eating?

December 28, 2023

Modern professional workplaces are hectic, and their first victim is a balanced diet. Can Njamito, our convenient and healthy meal-in-the-bottle product, help improve in-office eating habits?

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What Do We Pay for When We Buy Food? The True Cost of Convenience

November 15, 2023

Why is the food industry so complex? Discover what really goes into your grocery bill on the path from seeds to fridge.

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Njamito’s Summer Vibe Check

September 2, 2023

We wanted to see if our assumptions about who’s going to be hyped for Njamito were correct. Here’s how we went about it and what we found out.

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The Evolution of a Flavor: How Data Science-driven R&D Shaped the Njamito Four

August 14, 2023

The genesis and evolution of the Njamito Four exemplify the power of data-driven approach in product development.

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Transforming Agriculture: Sustainable Intercropping Wheat Trial Yields High-Quality Food

July 31, 2023

Explore the progress of our field trial of intercropping wheat with perennial legumes aimed at ensuring sustainable, organic, and animal-free nitrogen for the next crop.

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From Recipe Development to Large-Scale Production

July 17, 2023

Discover an interesting journey of 'Meal in a Bottle': from recipe development to finding the perfect production partner and scaling up.

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Culinary Cartography: Investigating Real-World Human Experiences with Our Meal-in-a-Bottle

June 28, 2023

Discover why running a real-world human experience before launching our new product is soo essential and should be more common in food industry.

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Do you know what the secret ingredient in food is in the future? You would never guess it.

June 5, 2023

LoginEKO is in full swing developing novel plant-based foods that taste better, are reasonably priced, convenient, and represent a much healthier nutritional choice.

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Spreading the Word about ‘Clean Label’ Food

April 17, 2023

Why are ‘clean labels’ important to consumers? The key message is CLEAN LABEL products don’t compromise food quality or health benefits, and are better products for our health and bodies.

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What have we craved throughout history and how can we now have it all?

March 13, 2023

An empty stomach and a lack of time often lead us to make unfortunate compromises about what we eat, but that's about to change. At LoginEKO, we are already in full swing developing novel plant-based foods that represent convenient and a much healthier nutritional choice.

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How Food Production Transformed Our Way of Life (and our planet as well)

March 7, 2023

We started cultivating crops only in 11,000 BCE, which makes agriculture just a flash in the pan in our history, but the one that radically transformed our way of life and the environment.

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Things to Know When Leading a Plant-based Diet Revolution

January 11, 2023

In recent years, plant-based foods and snacks have started popping up on market shelves like mushrooms. However, there are some things the consumers should bear in mind.

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The End of Food or the Beginning of Sustainable Agriculture?

January 11, 2023

We’ve started drafting a new deal with our planet – and it’s called ‘sustainable agriculture.’ You don’t believe it? Let us persuade you.

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Healthy and sustainable diets

Healthy and Sustainable Diets

December 8, 2020

Food is the single strongest lever to optimize human health and environmental sustainability on Earth. An immense challenge facing humanity is to provide a growing world population with healthy diets from sustainable food systems.

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