DevOps Engineer

Novi Sad, Kragujevac, Serbia or Zagreb, Croatia or Slovenia
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We are looking for

an experienced DevOps engineer who will work on real-world problems, building Farming Software that will change farming forever and for the better. There are many moving parts that need to be connected, and this is an opportunity to help us connect them more effectively and efficiently.

Your role

  • Implementing, managing, and monitoring our cloud infrastructure
  • Suggesting and onboarding new technologies and approaches to improve different pipelines across development teams
  • Be on top of deployments and take part in release management process
  • Work closely with the development teams to identify flaws and improve health of our systems
  • Automate processes and infrastructure as a whole
  • Work in sync with the Login5 Foundation’s values and vision

Your experiences and skills 

  • Leveraging Google Cloud platform
  • Backend experience with Java, Python, Quarkus
  • Experience with GCP, REST, Kubernetes, PostgreSQL, BigQuery, Terraform, GitLab, Git…
  • Ability to take ownership and responsibility over DevOps part of the project
  • Attention to details is highly valued, but not at the cost of pragmatic thinking
  • Flexible problem solver with a “make it happen” attitude
  • Team player that grows with(in) a team
  • Eager to learn and grow technically as well as personally

You can send your application to or click on the “APPLY NOW” button.

Why join?

  • Our main cause is making organic food accessible and affordable for everyone.
  • Be a part of a team focused on improving the future of agriculture and ensuring a sustainable food system for generations to come.
  • We use the latest technologies and tools to develop software solutions that streamline and automate tasks for agronomists, tractorists, warehousemen, and other members involved in the food development process.